Miracles and Mending
Much like when you buy a car and you suddenly see the same model everywhere, I am ultra-aware of brain and spinal tumors and injuries. Not only me, but my partner and caregiver is equally impacted by our “new” lifestyle and very aware of others.
This morning, as I headed for the coffee pot, I heard, “Hey, good news this morning...” Connie proceeded to tell me that the 5 year old boy tossed over a 3rd floor balcony in the Mall of America was showing no sign of brain damage, despite the head injuries. Certainly good news in anyone's book, but with our heightened sensitivity to the subject, it feels like one for the underdog! Knowing how brain damage effects, oh hell, completely changes ones life, what a true miracle for this young family!
NFL Quarterback, Matt Stafford's wife, Kelly, recently underwent brain surgery for a benign tumor and has headed home to a 6 month old and 2 year old twins. THAT is going to be a tough recovery!! I know, I hear you, “she has enough money to hire help.” Blah, blah, blah. Yea, she already has said that she's concerned because she wants to be with her children and knows that will hamper her healing. Unlike recovering from an appendectomy or any routine surgery, there is more to it than simply “healing.”
The brain can take more than a year to heal. The neurological damage from surgeries or injury may never heal. I lost the use of my left arm and have a pronounced limp from brain surgery. I also suffer from depression and PTSD, directly resulting from the tumor and the toll treatment and surgery took on me. I have short term memory loss but now that I think about it, that could actually be due to the 70's not the tumor.
We're a pretty exclusive group, but spinal and brain tumors and injuries aren't selective about who can join. Anyone from a five year old hate crime victim(thank, God not this time!) to an NFL star's wife to a wanna be writer, can be charter members and learn just how quickly life can change.