Rest Easy, Senator
I’m one of the least political people I know so don’t expect this to be a dissertation on Democrats or Republicans, right, left, stuck in the middle or any such babble. This blog is about a disease that affected a man who won many battles in life but ultimately lost his fight with brain cancer.
I’m a survivor. None-the-less, he and I are members of the same highly exclusive club. We both suffered with cancer of the brain. I got lucky and my tumor was operable, throw in a relatively short dance with Chemo, and I was declared cancer free. He, on the other hand, was not so lucky.
There are many different types of brain tumors and spinal cord tumors that can change everything or very little. My brother-in-law lost hearing in one ear, that’s it. I limp and have a virtually useless left arm. The Senator died. The array is truly mind blowing...and the disease? Cancer, brain and otherwise, is not picky in the least.
Like I said, I’m lucky, but even so, the experience was zero fun, lotsa painful, treatment is like willfully poisoning yourself and rehab, well, it’s an evil necessity. I can only imagine how dreadful inoperable brain cancer must be. Thinking of the seizures alone makes my skin crawl.
What I have gone through and continue to struggle with is more than enough for me. I’ve seen much worse and want no part of it. Brain cancer is no joke and I can tell you, its power is humbling and cruel. God bless all of those who have lost the battle, won the battle or are fighting today. I am so very lucky. Rest Easy, Senator.