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Fate and Friends

I’m a firm believer in Karma and things happening for a reason. Fate, destiny, if you will. Thus, people don’t come into your life by chance. They are put there either for you, that person or both. We clearly see the major players coming...spouses, besties...and yes, they often come and go but you got what you were meant to get. You learned (hopefully) what you were to have learned. And some of those lessons are rough, and some, well, you know what I mean.

As I was first recovering from brain surgery and cancer, a woman, blazing with light came into my world. I knew immediately that she had been sent to help get me through the darkest and scariest time of my life, but it’s not that simple. She came with a need, too. I love it when friendships happen like that. “Here, let me help carry your baggage.”

While my partner was and is #1, she certainly doesn’t need to bear the weight of all I am going through entirely. Plus, where would we be without friends? Since the beginning, my friend and I talk deep and real and offer thoughts and input to one another. We get philosophical, spiritual...DEEP.

You see, my friend is a carrier of Muscular Dystrophy and passed it on to not one but two sons. She lost one several years ago and her eldest passed away just last week. As much as I believe she was sent to me, I was also sent to her. While for so long, the entire universe revolved around me and my crap, I am happy to be humbled and brought down to size to help my friend; to help a mother get through losing a child...if that is even possible.

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