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Off Topic: Long Overdue Rant

I grew up happy and care-free. Mama and Daddy made sure we had all that we needed, then some. I was taught manners, the value of hard work and to treat people how I wanted to be treated, among many other basic values. The way of our world today contradicts nearly everything I was taught that would make me a good person.

The hate. The division. The lack of respect for others. The complete disregard for those different or not sharing the “correct” opinion. Maybe I see things a little differently since death’s cold and frightening voice whispered in my ear. Maybe I’ve become more clear in my thinking than I was before they sawed a whole in my skull and re-wired my brain. Maybe I can now see the pettiness of the human race as the world implodes around us.

Someone said the other day that I was an antiquated hippie and needed to get with the times. No, thank you. I have no problem with an out of date idea of peace and love for all of mankind. Check the prophets and deities throughout history. I don’t care if one believes or doesn’t, each and every one that impacted humanity and religion over thousands of years preached peace and love. Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, hell, Socrates and Plato, as philosophers, tried to let human beings know that kindness is the way to go and the only way humans will continue to exist. Jesus preached the message so effectively he had to be crucified to shut him up. There is too much profit to be made through hate and war to allow peace.

Writers, philosophers, prophets and preachers pay the price for believing there are ways to co-exist in peace simply because false power and the all-mighty dollar is worth far more than any man, woman or child. I can’t change the world with simple words but I can do all that is possible to make sure that my little world is one of peace and love. You never know, maybe the idea will catch on.

“You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will be as one.”

- John Lennon


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