We Are Not Alone
As cancer patients, we are afforded the opportunity to meet many people in similar situations. The adage “Birds of a feather” tends to be true and those suffering through cancer is a pretty exclusive group. You might have to do some research, but, in most areas, there are many support groups available for patients, survivors and caregivers alike that can be very helpful with the alone feeling we all get. After my brain tumor surgery, I was as alone as a person could get.
That familiar feeling had never left me despite joining a cancer support group and doing lots of journaling and blogging until I got involved with a non-profit organization with a focus on spinal cord and brain tumors. While that may not be the right fit for everyone, I've found some reason, a purpose for all that I've been through by becoming a part of something bigger than myself. I can share my story as a tool to help others.
In the beginning, I felt so very alone I did not accept that anyone had ever been through what I was going through. It made me angry when it was suggested. Over time, I have grown to accept that I'm not alone and while no one has had my exact experience, the similarities are there. If even a stubborn, hard head like me can come to see that so can others.
As I said, no one shares your exact story but I can just about guarantee you'll find someone or something to relate to if you reach out to others. I did and, while I still have rough moments, even days, I can keep my chin up knowing I can get through just about anything with a little help from my friends.